The Jesus Correction 4 (Study Guide)

The Jesus Correction – Pride  

 Key Scriptures: Luke 18:9-14 NLT; 2 Chronicles 7:1-2 NLT; Matthew 5:16 NLT

Key Words:         Pride – Misplaced sense of worth or value.

                                 Spiritual Pride – misplaced sense of worth or value of your spiritual understanding and practice.

Take Away:        When we are full of ourselves, there is no room for


When we empty ourselves, we are in the perfect

position to be filled by God’s grace.

When we empty ourselves, we are in the perfect

position to be used by God.

Pride is about my glory, humility is about God’s



Let’s Talk:             Have you ever went to a fancy restaurant or event and did not dressed right or know the rules to follow?

Did anyone make you feel awkward or unwelcomed?                                           

                                    If so, how did it make you feel?                                      

Let’s Think:          3 things Spiritual Pride can create in your life.

  1. Self-sufficiency – (I’ve got this) I don’t need anyone else, I have it all together.
  2. Self-importance – (I am valuable) Live in the right neighborhood, host team couldn’t run without me attitude, right label on clothing, the glue to my life group.
  3. Self-exaltation – (I am better) Everyone loot at my, car is the right brand, tell me how great I am.

Which one do you identify with the most?

Have you ever asked God to help you overcome this area in your life? If so, how has he helped you overcome it?

Going Deeper:    When you empty yourself with a humble heart, you                                       are in the perfect position to be used by God.


                             God has called you. Do you know your purpose and calling?

                                    God has equipped you. Do you know what tools God have given you and how to use them?

                                    God will be glorified. Does your life reflect the image of God and draw people to Christ?

Prayer:                In your prayer time, ask God to reveal in you any areas of spiritual pride. Write in your Journal what He reveals to you. Ask God to show you how to overcome these areas in your life. Ask Him to show you some scriptures to help you on your journey.

Walk It Out:           Choose a time this week to read Psalm 139. As you read pray and reflect on being in God’s presence.

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