RELIABLE 2 – Exhortation – Frankie Valencia

Reliable 2 – Exhortation


  • Listen Well – James 1:19-20, Proverbs 14:29 & Matthew 13:19-23


Church attendance means nothing! Being the church means everything!


Lacks understanding/seed gets snatched

No Root/Stumbles

Life Happens/Unfruitful

Has Understanding/Bears Fruit


Don’t get occupied by things and let that keep you from what you are really here for!


  • Be A Doer – James 1:22-23 & Romans 12:6-21


You are what you are by the grace of God! As you yield to Him, surrender to Him and get understanding you receive more grace!


  • Don’t Forget Who You Are – James 1:23-25


God did not pay a price so that life would go the way that you had hoped. He paid a price to live inside of you so that you would manifest Him however life goes!






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