You Are Here On Purpose For A Purpose!

Message Date: January 9, 2019

Lee Armstrong


#1) Eccl. 3:1 (read): Everything has a:

* Season

* Time

* Purpose

You are here for a purpose! #1 Question around the world?

“Why am I here?”

ANSWER: To make a difference! To have impact and influence.

(Tikkun Olam) = Repairing the world

*You are where heaven meets earth!! 2nd Cor. 4:7

#2) In the Big picture: Matt. 5:13, 14

Salt of the earth

Light of the world (John 1:4 In Him was life; and the life was the light of men)

“Your light stays/holds back the darkness!” Look where we are with us resisting. Where would be without restraints?

In total darkness!!!

#3) Little closer: As Males and females

Question: Who’s more important in the raising of children?

Male influence: Job 40:7

Stand up = Get ready for battle

Like a man = A valiant warrior

(Fighting for our family, our marriage, our children, our country)

Our world is in desperate need of masculinity!

* Feminine influence: Matt. 23:37

“As a hen gathers her chicks”

You were meant to be a thermostat, not a thermometer!!

#4) You as an individual:

* John 17:4 “I have glorified thee on the earth, I have finished the work you gave me to do”

* Rev. 12:11

Blood of the lamb

Word of their testimony

Love not their life even unto death

* Neh. 3:1- 32

“Everyone did what they could do “no more, no less”

They were mayors, perfume makers, sons, daughters, and grandchildren