What’s Our Part

Message Date: April 24, 2019

What’s Our Part ?

Pastor Lee Armstrong

#1) Mark 4:3 – 9 (read)

Vr 13) This is a very important parable

  1. A) Mark 4:4

What’s Our Part? “To be receptive

  • Our first act natural & supernatural is to receive
  • Fastest growing minds on the planet “children”

Why? They’re humble enough to receive!

  • Receiving is more than having something in your possession.

Ex. Receiving food, or medicine

by insinuation when you use it or are affected by it.


Gathering people who agree with your opinion

Trusting Google more than God

Thinking your submissive when your really just in agreement!  Ex. Tithing

  1. B) Mark 4:5

What’s Our Part? “being rooted & grounded”

  • Rooted (like trees)

*Deep roots = Fig tree (400 ft. deep) = Relationship w/God

*Wide roots = Sequoia (can occupy over an acre) = Our relationship with others

Truth: Those on the outside “the farthest away from the group” Are the most likely to be destroyed by the storms of life”

  1. C) Mark 4:7

What’s Our Part? “stay focused on the things that matter”

  • Cares of this world
  • Deceitfulness of riches All Temporal, fleeting
  • Desires for other things
  1. D) 4:8

What’s Our Part? “Use what you’ve been given”

Mark 4:25/Matt. 25:28 “take the talent from him, & give it unto him which hath ten talents”

James 1:23 “be a doer of the word”