Visually Impaired
Pastor Joey Bishop
John 3:3
I. Healing is one of the most controversial topics in the body of Christ today? Why?
A. How many of you have prayed for someone and you didn’t see them healed?
B. What can happen in our mind?
1. It didn’t work! Why?
2. Guess I didn’t have enough faith.
3. Must not have been God’s will.
C. If we are not careful, we will allow our minds to try
and make intellectual sense of “why it didn’t
happen” and we will trump truth with our
D. When did Jesus ever say, sorry, it’s just not your time,
Or you need more faith to be healed, it’s just not
My dads will for you to be healed.
E. Have Christian’s said those kinds of things?
F. Where did they get that from?
G. Human intellect and reasoning apart from
God’s word and relationship with Him.
H. We cannot allow life to define who God is and what
His truth is. Jesus’s life already did that.
1. John 14:9-10 If you have seen Jesus, you have
seen the Father.
2. Jesus never held back healing!
II. Matthew 17:14-21
A. The Disciples could not heal the boy. Why?
B. Jesus says, “Bring the boy to me” and heals him.
C. Disciples ask, “why couldn’t we heal the boy?
1. Perverse Generation – twisted thinking
2. Unbelief – wrong believing
D. In short, Jesus says, “It’s because you failed to see
what I see!”
E. Perverse – means twisted.
F. Wrong thinking is perverted thinking which causes
unbelief in our lives.
G. So what caused the disciples to not see what Jesus
1. The violent reaction from the boy.
H. The disciples let what thy saw with their natural eyes
cause fear in their hearts. Experience trumped
truth and rendered them ineffective!
1. You have no authority over what you fear!
III. If Jesus walked in the room, and touched a sick person
what would happen?
A. We would all agree, they would be healed.
B. Then why doesn’t it always happen when we
C. Well… I’m not Jesus! No, you are not but….
1. He lives inside of you!
a. Gal. 2:20
b. Eph. 3:17
c. Col. 1:27
2. We are the body of Christ!
a. 1 Cor. 12:27
IV. So why doesn’t healing happen every time we pray?
A. Eph 4:11-16
1. We are growing up into Christ in all things.
2. We haven’t arrived yet!
B. So what’s the best thing you and I can do, when we
pray and we don’t see healing happen?
1. Humble yourself!
2. Grow me Lord into the place where I see like
you see!
3. Transform me Lord, until my life looks like His!
4.. Don’t go change your theology just because of a
bad experience.
V. Changing our perspective – Destroying twisted thinking.
A. Repentance – to change the way you think.
B. The Primary use of Faith is not a tool to get blessings,
it’s a perspective! (The way you handle life reveals
your faith)
B. The perspective of Faith causes us to pray from a position of covenant, confidence, and belief, instead of fear, doubt and unbelief.
1. 2 Cor. 1:20-22
a. through us!!
b. You are Anointed!
2. Eph. 3:20
a. in us!!!
VI. Healing is not a magic formula, it’s a revelation we walk
A. Matt. 17: 20
B. Faith begins where the will of God is known!
C. Jesus is the will of God revealed!
D. Having Relationship with Jesus comes revelation.
VII. Don’t be self-conscious about how you pray.
A. Praying longer doesn’t work
B. Using big words doesn’t work
C. Quoting every scripture you know
D. Getting louder or praying in tongues
E. Mark 16:17-18
F. Ill. Using the Lord’s name in vain!
1. without effect and power!
a. James 5:16