Pastor Steve Polaski – Chandler Location
What does the word mean to you?
Throughout history, man has been drawn to stories
Lion King
Beginning, Middle and an Ending
Jesus used stories like
The Parable of the Sower or The Rich Man and Lazarus
Prodigal son story—Luke 15:11
Rising Strong—Brene Brown
Neurological Research indicates that our brains reward us when we recognize complete patterns. Stories are patterns and when we identify the beginning, middle and end of a story, our brain shoots us some awesome chemicals like dopamine and we feel good. Problem is we don’t have to be accurate, just certain. And the promise of “the feel goods” causes us to shut down any uncertainty necessary for getting to the truth.
We take incomplete stories and run with them.
We are rewarded with the dopamine when we come to an understanding about something in our world EVEN IF IT IS WRONG.
The most powerful stories are
The Stories We Tell Ourselves