Rooted & Grounded In Love

Message Date: December 11, 2019

Rooted and Grounded in Love

Pastor Joey Bishop


A. Eph. 3: 17- 19

II. God’s Love for us!

A. 1 John 4:19 He Loved us first!

B. John 3:16 For God so loved!

C. Romans: 5:5,8

D. God’s love for us should never be in question!

III. Our Love for God

A. Luke 10:25-27

1. Love God with all your…

a. Heart

b. Soul

c. Strength

d. Mind

2. Love God with all you are!!!

3. Jesus gave the Lawyers an impossible task!

a. Fallen man could never love God because of the disconnect from God’s image in man.

b. God = Love

c. Mankind was made in God’s image

d. If God is love, then mankind was made in the image of love.

e. During the fall we lost the ability to love as God intended.

i. Through the fall, love was perverted (Twisted)

ii. Ill. Wifi

4. God’s desire is to reproduce Himself (Seed) in all of humanity.

5. The message of the cross is fulfilled when mankind is restored back into the image of God.(Love)

B. In order for anyone to love God with all they are, they must be born again, restored back to the original picture/image.

IV. Love your Neighbor

A. Because the image of God is restored in us at salvation, we can love other as Christ has loved us.

1. Romans 13:8-10

a. Love God, Love people, keep the law! Ill. 10 commandments.

b. 1 John 4:7-12, 20-21

2. The next time you have a hard time loving someone, ask Jesus if He ever has a hard time loving you?

V. Love Yourself

A. Luke 10:27

B. Eph. 5:28-29

1. Why would you hate/dislike what God loves?

a. Zeph. 3:17

2. Life is not a grind, it’s a gift!

3. We have been given this gift of life so the world can see

Him in us!

C. This is how we should love ourselves.

1. We love God in us!

2. We love who God has made us!

3. We love who we are becoming in HIM!

4. We declare over ourselves, what He sees in us not what

what we see with our natural eyes.


A. Key to becoming love is “intimacy”. “In to me you see”

B. If you become a Christian just for you, (to get your needs

met) you will miss transformation.

C. We are Christians to SHINE!