Fight The Right Battle – Part 2

Message Date: September 25, 2019

Fight the right battle II

Pastor Christian McDaniel

Ephesians 6:12 NKJV, CEB, TPT

What are we actually wrestling against?

Principality listed first – actual Greek word is here is “origin”

You cannot conquer what you don’t confront

Romans 8:37 TPT

We are more than conquerors…so does that mean we are born for battle?

He didn’t say he has made you more than comforters…the Holy Spirit is the comforter.

Who needs a comforter?

-Someone who is constantly in battle

Are we fighting the right one?

2 Tim 2:3-6 TPT

You are a son or daughter, but commissioned in the army of God

If we don’t follow the rules of engagement WE WILL LOSE!

You and your armor are designed for you to move forward into the battle!