Empowering Women

Message Date: December 18, 2019

Pastor  Christian McDaniel



Eve was not squeezed out, but skillfully formed and carefully fashioned.


When Eve gave birth to her first son, Cain, she boldly confessed her faith, “I have gotten a man from the Lord (Gen 4:1).


God also helped a frustrated barren woman named HANNAH.  (1Sam 1) She cried out to the Lord and received a son – SAMUEL.


Hannah prophesied a prayer and spoke another title of the coming Son of God.  She called her Lord THE ANOINTED ONE which is another word for MESSIAH. (1Sam 2:10) Hannah was the first to use it, the first ever to utter the revelation of the Messiah.


Then God sent His special angel on a mission to a young virgingirl named Mary, revealing to her the Name above every name. (Luke 1:26-33).


A WOMAN would be the first to speak that Name of all Power – JESUS!!!


Three women had received the major revelation of His Name.

A fallen Eve knew there was a Lord God;

a faith filled Hannah saw a coming Messiah;

and a young virgin Mary would give birth to Jesus, the Savior of the world!

Fashioned to Reign – Kris Vallotton

Powerful and Free – Danny Silk 


The time period between Malachi and Matthew is 400 years, the intertestamental period…sometimes called 400 years of silence.


What happened in those 400 years?


When we end Malachi there is no mention of Pharisees, Sadducees (Scribes), yet when we start Matthew in chapter 3 the first reference is made to them when Jesus calls them a “brood of vipers” KJV  or “offspring of vipers!” TPT


Judaism was developed during this time by these leaders


Judaism explained…




Epistles written to 3 different people groups

1. Jews
2. Romans
3. Greeks


Paul writes specifically about “restrictions” for women in only 3 of the 9 geographical locations he wrote to


Keeping silent: 2 schools of thought


1. Men and women sat on separate sides in the synagogue – true traditionally, but Corinthians came out of greekmythology and so the men would not be anymoreknowledgeable about the Bible than the women
2. The other way to read this is as a question, as some theologians believe it is.  After that verse, there’s an expletive of disassociation.  There is no perfect translation, but it means, “What?  No Way!  Nonsense!  It can’t be!”  And it’s after verse 35.


1 Corinthians 14:34-36 KJV


You can read the entire law and there is not one place in the O.T. where it says a woman cannot speak.  That cannot be written by Paul, an expert in the law…a former Pharisee!


The previous 14 chapters talk about how men and women can do all these things: prophecy, teach, hyms, songs, spiritual songs, pray in tongues


Ask yourself, have I in any way contributed to holding women back in my life, because of unbiblical ways of thinking?