Love, Light and Life with Duane Sheriff

About this Message:


BROWNWOOD – 9/6/20


1 Chronicles 12:32-33 (NLT)

Signs of the time?

What do we do?

We are a counterculture (life, light and love)

Hebrews 10:23-25 “…stir up love and good works

John 10:10 “…life in abundance”

Matthew 5:13-14 “Salt of the earth…light of the world”


  1. We exist to see people transformed by Jesus
    1. We must build healthy churches growing people in Christ
      1. Transforming lives by Jesus
      2. Brownwood must be healthy and Jesus followers
        • Central hub
        • Vision for other communities (plant VLC)
      3. Develop leaders of impact
      4. Broadcast facility (Pastor Smee is uniquely qualified)
        1. Conferences (Marriage, Leadership, etc.)
        2. “I can come on the weekend and send signal out”
      5. Continue to foster Unity
        1. Racial reconciliation
        2. Serving other churches and community
        3. Identity (who we are)

Galatians 3:26-29 (NLT)

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