Jesus Over Everything 2 – Study Guide

Study Guide – Jesus Over Everything 2

Key Scriptures:

Colossians 1:21:23 TPT; John 6:26 TPT; Colossians 2:9-10 TPT; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 TPT; Psalm 1:3 TPT; Hebrews 10:23-24 TPT; 1 Peter 5:10 TPT; 2 Corinthians 9:8,10-11 TPT

Key Words:         Sufficient:  More than enough.

Take Away:        

1. Rooted – Being rooted in Him will allow you to bear fruit in all seasons.

2. Encouraged – You are encouraged to be an encouragement.

3. Established – Being firmly set in place prepares you for difficulties in life.

4. Enriched – You are blessed to be a blessing.

Let’s Talk:

Have you ever tried to build something without the instructions?

How successful were you? Did you become angry or frustrated?          

Let’s Think:

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 states that God’s grace is more than enough through our weaknesses.

How many things do we NOT give Jesus access to that would allow Him to be sufficient to us in all things?

Going Deeper:    Jesus’ sufficiency has always been there; we just allow distractions to get in the way.

What are some distractions you have allowed to get in the way of Jesus being sufficient in your life?

What are some areas in your life that you have allowed Jesus to be sufficient? How has He been more than enough?


In your prayer time this week, ask God to reveal areas of your life that you have not allowed Jesus to be sufficient. As God begins to show you different areas, give them over to Him. Spend some time thanking Him for how good He is and how He always provides.                 

Walk It Out:

1. BE ROOTED! Be intentional about spending time with God on a consistent basis. Allow the Holy Spirit to strengthen your faith and relationship with Jesus!

2. BE ENCOURAGED! Read God’s word and be encouraged so you can encourage others!

3. BE ESTABLISHED! Remember, whatever you are going through is temporary. Allow difficulties to draw you closer to God, not farther away.

4. BE ENRICHED! You are blessed to be a blessing! Bless someone this week with your time, talents, or treasure.  

For More Watch Pastor Jacob Sheriff’s Jesus Over Everything pt. 2 – Click Here!


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