Growth Notes|Rhythms of Endurance|Love

Growth Notes

January 24, 2021

Rhythms or Endurance –Love

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Key Scriptures:

1 Corinthians 13:13 NKJV; 1 Corinthians 13:7:8a NKJV; Genesis 1,2 NKJV;

Genesis 3:9-13 NKJV; 1 John 4:18 NKJV; Colossians 2:8 NKJV; John 14:15

NKJV; John 15:13 TPT; Romans 5:7-9 TPT; Psalm 136:26 NLT; Psalm

139:18 NLT; Matthew 22:37-40 NKJV; Deuteronomy 6:4-9 NKJV; Ezekiel

36:26-27 NKJV; Ephesians 5:1-2 TPT

Key Words:              

Love – an intense feeling of deep affection. The deep tenderness, affection

and concern felt for a person whom one has a relationship.  

Take Away:

  1. You have been loved from the beginning.
  2. The sin of humanity did not affect God’s love for us, but it did affect our love for Him and each other.
  3. The born-again experience results in a new heart and spirit that leads to a restored relationship to God.
  4. We were designed from the beginning to be an expression and extension of God’s love.

Let’s Talk:                     

Can you think of a time when you questioned God’s love for you?

What were some of the thoughts and emotions you had?

Do you still struggle with God’s love for you today? Why or why


Let’s Think:  

Many times, we project our negative thoughts about ourselves on to

God, believing that He thinks those same thoughts about us.

Is there any negative thoughts you have about yourself that you

have projected onto God?

Read Psalm 139:1-18 and list the good thoughts God has about

for you.

Going Deeper:         

Ephesians 5:1 tells us to be imitators of God! If God is love, and we are made in His image, then we have the capacity to reflect God’s love!

What is one way you can express God’s love to those in your sphere of influence?

What is one way you can extend God’s love to those in need today?      


In your prayer time, thank God for loving you, even when you were unlovely? Thank Him for his goodness, kindness and mercy even when we didn’t deserve it.

Walk It Out:                 

Monday: Find one scripture that declares God’s love for you and meditate

on it.

Tuesday: What is your favorite song about God’s love? Put it on repeat and

share it with a friend!

Wednesday: Call or text someone who showed you God’s love and tell them

how much you appreciate them.

Thursday: Perform one random act of kindness. Snap a pic of the persons

face and post it to Facebook!

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