Growth Notes|Joy Story|Choosing to Love Right

February 14, 2021

Key Scriptures:

Genesis 2:18-25 NLT; Genesis 2:23 ESV, NKJV; Genesis 2:16-17 NLT;

Ephesians 5:21 NLT; Matthew 6:14-15 NLT; Luke 23:32-34 NLT; Luke 6:28

NLT; Matthew 5:43-44 NLT; Colossians 3:13 NLT; John 13:1-5 NLT; Luke

7:34 NLT; Acts 2:42-47 NLT; Hebrews 10:24:25 NLT

Key Words:              

At Last (Hebrew meaning) Genesis 2:23– the tapping of one’s fingers while

waiting in eager anticipation.

Take Away:

Relationship with God changes our perspective of our relationships with others.

The co-existence of our will and God’s will is God’s ultimate dream (Purpose and Worship)!

Love is discovering how our dreams and desires can co-exist with one another (just as God desired Adam to co-exist with Him) and then the ultimate expression of love is entwining our “free will” with His.

Loving right is loving like Jesus, which stirs our desires and dreams, mingles them with others’ dreams and desires, all in the wonder of God’s will (love).

Let’s Talk:                     

When you were a child, were you ever allowed to play in the front yard, but

not allowed to go in the street?

Even though you could play in the entire front yard, how many

times did you find yourself in the street?

Did you find yourself focusing on the one thing you were not

supposed to do, or did you enjoy the freedom of playing in the

front yard?

How is this situation similar to the story of Adam and Eve?

Let’s Think:  

God expresses His love to us by providing certain boundaries and allowing

us to dream and create with our free will.

What are some ways we can limit what God wants to do in our

lives by not expressing our dreams and creativity within the

boundaries of our free will?

Going Deeper:

God sends Jesus to demonstrate His will, His desire to entwine His will and

ours. Jesus then lives a life showing us how to present the right facet of

love in the right moment. Loving like Jesus can be expressed in three ways.

  1. Forgiving sinners

            How do you forgive like Jesus?

  • Serving one another

How do you serve like Jesus?

  • Spending time together.

Who should you spend time with?

Walk It Out:                 

Monday: What is a dream you once had that you have forgotten about?

Start dreaming again! Ask God to dream with you and breathe fresh life

into it again!

Tuesday: Is there anyone you need to forgive or ask forgiveness from?

If so, pray and ask God to help you then follow through with whatever

needs to be done.  

Wednesday: Loving like Jesus is serving others. Where can you start

serving others today? Make a plan and start serving.

Thursday: Loving like Jesus means spending time with others. Who is

someone you can start spending time with today? Call or text this person and set up a time you can meet, or to just hang out and talk.

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