Growth Notes|Joy Story – Break Up

Key Scriptures: Isaiah 58 NLT; John 6:38 NLT; 1 Corinthians 2:16 NLT;

Hebrews 11:24-26 NLT; Acts 5:29 NLT; 2 Timothy 1:7 NLT; Romans 7:15,

18b-19, 24-25 NLT; 1 Corinthians 9:24-25 NLT; 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 NLT;

Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT; Genesis 16:1-4 NLT; Philippians 4:6-7 NLT

Take Away:

  • Joy is a supernatural delight found in the person of God, purpose of God and the people of God.
  • Relationship with God changes our perspective of our relationships with others.
  • Every choice you make effects your covenant relationships.
  • Making choices devoid of the Father will directly undermine the possibility of joy in our relationships with others.

Let’s Talk: Have you ever made a decision that was based on popularity

instead of what you knew to be right?

How did your decision affect your relationship with God?

How did your decision affect your relationship with others?

Did you have any regrets about your decision?  

If you could go back and make that decision again, what would

you do different?

Let’s Think: Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what

you want most?

What do you want most in life?

What do you need to choose now to achieve what you want most?  

Going Deeper:

There is a great temptation for many of us to try and control everything in

our lives. Abram and Sarai tried to “help” God fulfill His promise to them

by taking control of their situation. (Genesis 16:1-4) Instead of surrendering

to God’s plan, they came up with their own and made a real mess of things!

Who or what are you trying to control in your life?

  1. Is it worth my concern?(how important is it really?)
  2. Is it mine to control? (Some things are in our control and that’s okay.) i.e.. color of car, who are my friends…
  3. Is it for God alone? (salvation of lost friend/spouse, fulfilling promises, changing lives….)          

Walk It Out:

There is power in knowing your purpose. Purpose diminishes

distractions, helps you push through pain, and empowers you

to please God.  Do you know your purpose? If yes, what is one

choice I can make that helps me walk in my purpose. If no,

start your journey of discovery today. Ask a pastor what your

next step would be in discovering your purpose.

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