Growth Notes V.2.021 – When Resolve Become Habit

Growth Notes

January 3, 2021

V.2.021 – When Resolve Becomes Habit


Key Scriptures:

Deuteronomy 6:6 NLT; Proverbs 3:1-32 NLT; Romans 12:3-5


Key Words:           

Basal Ganglia – The place in the brain where habits are stored. This part of the brain never sleeps. This is why you can do things without thinking about them.

Take Away:          

Three words for VLC Brownwood

                                    (New Rhythms)

  1. Longevity – Multi-generational
  2. Prosperity – Irrationally bless others live open handedly.
  3. Peace – confidence in my relationship with God and others

Let’s Talk:              

Have you ever left a place, being very tired, and could not remember how you made it home?

How many other things in your life do you do without thinking about them?

 How can habits be a negative thing in your life?

How can habits be a positive thing in your life?

Let’s Think:

In Deuteronomy 6:1-6 God lays out a plan for the Israelites to develop positive habits to help them be successful as the children of God.

What are some habits that God has ask you to keep for the new year?

What are some habits that God is asking you to start for the new year?

What are some habits that God wants you to stop for the new year?

Going Deeper:     

The Ten Habits of V.2.021 (Proverbs 3)

  1. Let love and faithfulness never leave you (vs. 3-4)
  2. Trust in the Lord with all your heart (vs. 5-6)
  3. Do not be wise in your own eyes (vs. 7-8)
  4. Honor the Lord with your wealth (vs. 9-10)
  5. Do not despise the Lord’s discipline (vs. 11-12)
  6. Search diligently for wisdom and find it (vs. 13-24)
  7. Have no fear (vs. 25-26)
  8. Do not withhold good from those who deserve it (vs. 27-28)
  9. Do not plot harm against your neighbor (vs. 29-30)
  10. Do not envy a violent man or choose any of his ways (vs. 31-32

What habits stood out the most to you?

What habits (out of these 10) do you currently walk in?


 Spend some time in prayer asking God for direction with your daily habits.  Ask him to show you what your healthy habits and unhealthy habits are. Ask Him for wisdom in how to develop Godly habits in your life. Write down in your journal what He reveals to you. 

Walk It Out:

Keep these ten habits before you. Make a plan to focus one new habit each month. Challenge a friend to do the same. To help keep each other accountable, choose a time to discuss what God is showing you about each habit.

For message notes click here:

V.2.021 – When Resolve Becomes Habit


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