Growth Notes – Joy Story|Relationships That Work

February 8, 2021

Key Scriptures:

James 1:2-4 NLT; Colossians 1:15:16 NLT; Ephesians 1:3 NLT; James 2:23

NLT; John 4:23 NLT; Genesis 3:8-9 NLT; Ephesians 5:23-34 NLT;

Matthew 5:23-24 NLT; James 3:9-10 NLT; 1 Samuel 16:7 NLT;

Key Words:              

Joy – is a supernatural delight found in the person of God, the purposes of

God, and in the people of God.

Take Away:

When I feel loved, I love others better.

Faith is directly connected to your relationship with God because faith is directly connected to your purpose.

Because our relationships with others are based on our relationship with God, He has authority over our relationships.

Joy is a supernatural delight that is found in relationship with the Father and overflows into my relationship with others.

Let’s Talk:                     

We often learn how to treat others through watching a parent or authority

figure in our lives. Many times, we take on their behaviors because of the

large amount of time we spend with them.  We pick up sayings and

behaviors that look and sound just like our parents, grandparents, teachers

etc.. Have you ever caught yourself saying, “I sound just like my dad”, or

“my mom used to say that”? Chances are their behavior has rubbed off on


How can this be a good thing?

How can this be a bad thing? (hint 1 Corinthians 15:33)

How can this work in your relationship with God?

Let’s Think:  

Life is found in relationship with God! Being in close relationship with God

Is a supernatural process!

  1. Relationship with God gives us purpose (FAITH)
  2. Purpose gives us Identity. (BELONGING)
  3. Identity gives us PEACE in relationships.

What is your divine purpose? (hint Genesis 1:28)

What is your divine identity?

What areas in your life do you need peace?  

Going Deeper:         

Being in close relationship with God has supernatural consequences on our

relationships with others.

What are some of the Supernatural consequences that have

happened in your relationships that you have allowed God to

have authority over? (i.e. Good relationship with your children)

Walk It Out:                 

Monday: Do one thing today that will strengthen your relationship with

God. (i.e. start spending prayer time alone with God everyday, start a bible

Reading plan)

Tuesday: Pray and ask God to reveal any unhealthy relationships in your

life. Ask Him for wisdom on how to improve that relationship then be


Wednesday: Find one scripture about Joy and meditate on it. Write down

in your journal any personal revelation you have about that scripture.

Thursday: What is one relationship that brings you joy? Call or text that

person and let them know how much you appreciate them.

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