Growth Notes | Rhythms of Endurance |Hope

January 17, 2021

Rhythms of Endurance –Hope

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Key Scriptures:         

1 Corinthians 13:3 NLT; Hebrews 11:1 NLT; Romans 12:12 TPT; Romans 5:3-5 TPT; Ecclesiastes 9:11 NLT; Isaiah 61:1 NLT; Romans 8:18-21 TPT; Romans 12:2 TPT; Ephesians 5:1-2 TPT

Key Words:              

Hope – a joyful expectation. A feeling of trust or being confident

in God’s promises and faithfulness.

Take Away:

  1. Protect Hope by renewing your mind. (Romans 12:2 TPT)
  2. Protect Hope by communing with God. (Romans 12:12 TPT)
  3. Protect Hope by walking in Love. (Ephesians 5:1-2 TPT)                                           

Let’s Talk:                     

Have you ever had an experience where a family member doesn’t arrive

when they said they would? You call them multiply times with no answer.

Then your imagination begins to run wild seeing them hurt in an accident,

or even worse! After you have worked yourself up with “what ifs”, they

arrive save and sound, just late. You soon learn that their phone battery had

 died and they were caught up talking with an old friend at the grocery


Why do you think your imagination ran wild?

What were some of the emotions you had?

What would have been a better way to respond?  


Let’s Think:  

Putting your hope(imagination) in the wrong things can steal your joy and

cause you to forget who you are in Christ.

The “what ifs” in life is a sign that we are focusing on or imaging the wrong

things in life. How much of your thought life is spent “what if-ing”?

If Hope is the product of a healthy imagination, what is one way you can

cultivate a healthy imagination?

Going Deeper:         

Jesus said He came to bring freedom to both captives and prisoners. Captives are those who didn’t choose to be there, and prisoners are those who deserve to be there. (Isaiah 61:1 NLT)

Is there any situation in your life today where you feel like a captive?

Is there any situation in your life today where you feel like a prisoner?

What is keeping you from receiving the freedom Jesus has for you?  


In your prayer time, ask God to help you identify areas of your thought life

that need to change. Spend some time imaging good things over the bad.

Write in your journal some good things God shows you so that you can

meditate on them.

Walk It Out:                 

Monday: Who is one person I can extend hope to. Give them a call, text or

Invite them to lunch!  

Tuesday: What is one song I listen to that gives me hope? Put it on repeat

And share it with someone else!

Wednesday: Where do I need hope right now? Find a scripture and

Meditate on it!                

Thursday: I need to stop putting my hope in _________ and put my hope

In Jesus!  

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