Grow Notes | Church Is… Equipped

Church Is … Equipped pt. 2

Group Discussion

Moses had a passion and a purpose, but without the leading of the Holy Spirit, he made a mess of things.

Can you think of a time in your life when you tried to accomplish what God had called you to in your own strength and power?

2 Peter 1:3 says that God has given us “everything” we need for living a godly life.

What have we been equipped with as believers in Christ? What’s in your hand? 

How do we activate what God has equipped us with?

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In John 16:7 he says,” it is best that I go away so the advocate (Holy Spirit) could come.”

What is the advantage of Jesus leaving and sending us the helper (Holy Spirit)?

John 3:5-8, Jesus tells us that we must be born of the flesh and of the Spirit to enter the Kingdom of God.

What does it mean to be born of the Spirit?

Anything that presses our flesh towards the Spirit and Truth is us in fact walking out the supernatural.

Flesh says, “hate your enemies!” Spirit says, “love your enemies!”

Flesh says, “don’t forgive, they hurt you too much!”  Spirit says, “Forgive those who spitefully use you.”

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What other ways does the Spirit guide you to fulfill God’s will and not your own flesh?

Romans 8:13 says that living according to the flesh is death!

What types of death occur when we walk according to the flesh?

Romans 8:5 says that those who are controlled by the Spirit, think about things that please the Spirit.

What thoughts should we have as born-again believers?

What do you think about this statement?

Most Christians believe that God can do anything, but many of them believe He hasn’t done very much.

The Church has been Equipped…. What does that look like? A Spirit filled; Spirit let Church!

3 Ways the Church can Walk in a State of Being Equipped

  1. Prayerful Vigilance – keeping a careful watch with Spiritual eyes!
  2. Focused Diligence – See things through! Don’t miss the bus!
  3. Faithful Resilience – Being all in! Never giving up!

What is one thing you can do today to walk in Prayerful Vigilance, Focused Diligence, and Faithful Resilience.






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