The Jesus Correction 2 – Study Guide

The Jesus Correction – Passionate Purpose

Key Scriptures: John 17:3 NLT; Revelation 3:15-16 NLT; Mark 4:19 NLT; 2 Timothy 3:1-5 NLT; 1 John 2:15-17 NLT; Matthew 10:23-33 NLT; Revelation 3:19 NLT; 1 Chronicles 16:25-36 NLT

Key Words:         Indifference – having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned. Neither good nor bad; mediocre.

Take Away:         

Our very purpose is what creates the abundance in the life that Christ came to give us.

Indifference doesn’t just break Jesus’ heart; it makes Him want to vomit!

Every day do something that requires faith.

It’s better to hurt with a purpose than to exist without one.

Let’s Talk:

Have you ever been in a mood where everything is just “meh” to you.


What do you think caused the attitude of indifference (meh)?

How did you overcome the attitude of indifference? If you still have this attitude, how can you start today to overcome it?

Let’s Think:

In Revelation 3:15-16 Jesus tells the Laodiceans that He wished they were either hot or cold but not lukewarm because it makes Him sick!

What areas of your life have you become “lukewarm”?

What areas of your life are you refreshing to others?

What areas of your life do you bring healing to others?

Going Deeper:    Look at each symptom of living with lukewarm indifference. Do you have any of these symptoms in your life today?

  1. Being more concerned with impressing people than living for God.
  2. Being obsessed with life on earth (in the now) rather than eternity.
  3. Rationalizing sin and live without truly fearing God.
  4. Believing in Jesus, but rarely sharing your faith.
  5. Only turning to God when we need Him.
  6. Not being much different than the world.


Prayer:                In your prayer time, ask God to reveal to you any areas of indifference in your life. Journal what He reveals to you. Then ask God to reveal to you something you are passionate about.

Walk It Out:           Every day do something that requires faith!


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