The Jesus Correction 1 – Study Guide

The Jesus Correction – Worship

Key Scriptures: John 14:9 NLT; Ecclesiastes 1:14 NLT; Matthew 15:1-2 NLT; Matthew 15:7-8 NLT; Psalms 63:4 NLT Hebrews 13:15 NLT; Romans 12:1 NLT; 1 Chronicles 16:25-36 NLT

Key Words:         Worship – is the unique reflection of who God made you to be.

Take Away:         Worship isn’t about the style of music, but the condition of the heart.

Worship isn’t limited to the songs we sing, but the life we live!

Our worship isn’t based on our circumstances, it is based on His character.

Let’s Talk:             Have you ever had a tool that you had been using, only to find out later that you were using it all wrong.

How did it make you feel when you discovered the correct use?

Let’s Think:          Jesus came to explain the full picture of who we are. He came to help us understand our humanity.

What are some ways we misuse our God-given gifts and talents when we do not allow Jesus to show us who we really are?

How does giving Jesus your entire life, affect your worship?

Going Deeper:    Worship is the unique reflection of who God made you be.

How much does the heart affect your worship?

How can our lives be an act of worship?

Prayer:                In your prayer time, ask God to reveal to you more of who you are in Christ. Write down in your journal what He tells you.

Walk It Out:           Lay down your life as an act of worship every day!


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