Be Encouraged, Not Dismayed – with Pastor Duane



John 14:1-4 KJ

  • AMPC = Mansions (dwelling places) (residence – Greek)
  • “Let not…(choice)”
  • We are all tempted with worry / fear / anxiety


  1. God is still revealing corruption (things need reformed in our election process)
  2. COVID-19 Virus?? – Government abuse of power
  3. Shut down?? – Political tactics at our expense
  4. Riots and looting – Burning our cities…
  5. The Culture of hate, death, and darkness must be confronted and countered.


  1. One election doesn’t make or break us (Matthew 5 – Salt and Light)
  2. Hebrews 10:23-25 KJ
  3. Provoke to love and good works
  4. Forsake not being assembled
  5. The day approaching (Jesus’ return)
  6. Luke 21:33-36 KJ –
  7. Surfeiting, drunkenness, cares of this life
  8. Surfeiting = excess / overindulgence


  1. Isaiah 41:9-10 – 
  2. “dismayed” – discouraged / sense of dread
  3. While we may not fear, many dread the fight
  4. Joshua 1:8-9
  5. Don’t be dismayed / be strong and courageous
  6. Vs. 9 – dismayed (Heb) – to break down, either by violence or confusion and fear.
  7. 1 Chronicles 22:13 – “…be strong and of good courage; dread not, nor be dismayed.”
  8. 1 Samuel 30 (Ziklag) – David and 600 men
  9. Vs. 6 – David was greatly distressed
  10. Spoke of stoning David
  11. “David encouraged himself in the Lord”
  12. [How? Vs. 7] – *He sought God (Ephod) – (Do we pursue? Will we win?)


2 Chronicles 20: (Jehoshaphat model)

  1. Vs. 12 – “Our eyes are upon you”
  2. Vs. 15 – “…be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude: for the battle is not yours, but Gods (vs. 17)
  3. Vs. 16 – “Tomorrow go down against them…”
  4. Vs. 17 – “You shall not need to fight in this battle…set yourselves / stand ye still and see the salvation of the Lord with you”  “Fear not, nor be dismayed: tomorrow go out against them; for the Lord will be with you.”
  5. Worship God – “Praise the Lord; for His mercy endures forever”



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