Jesus Over Everything 3 – Study Guide

Jesus Over Everything 3 – Jesus is for Everyone

Key Scriptures: Colossians 3:1-17 NLT

1 Timothy 2:1-6 NLT; Deuteronomy 30:19-20 NLT;

John 17:3 NLT; Romans 6:23 NLT; John 4 NLT;

Galatians 5 NLT

Key Words:         Everyone: simply means everyone.

Take Away:        What we think of Jesus determines how we live.

What we know Jesus thinks of us determines how we thrive.

The nature of Jesus is to be the most common of men, with the holiest of hearts, capable of loving and serving all people without discrimination or prejudice.

We are called to do the same!                              

Let’s Talk:             Have you ever been in a situation where someone

tells you one side of the story, only to find out

to find out later that the other side of the story is very


How does knowing both sides of the story help you discover what really happened?       

Let’s Think:          How can only knowing what we think about Jesus affect how we live>?  How does knowing what Jesus thinks about us help us thrive?                         

Going Deeper:    Activities, such as lying, stealing, and committing adultery are symptoms of a broken relationship with God. How can our self-condemnation cause us to run from God instead of to Him?

How do guilt and shame put up a wall between us and God?

How can we stay in a relationship with God, no matter what we go through in this life?

Prayer:                In your prayer time, ask God to help you get a clear view of how He sees you, so you can see others the way He does. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to those around you that need a touch of God’s mercy and grace, instead of the guilt, shame, and condemnation they might be feeling.                                   

Walk It Out:          Forgive yourself for any mistakes that you have made and have not let go of.

                            Ask others to forgive you if you have been condemning or judgmental of their lives.

When you mess up, run to God and talk about it. Do not run and hide behind guilt and shame.

Pastor Jacob Sheriff’s Jesus Over Everything pt. 3



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