Church is Active – Study Guide

Study Guide – Church is…Active.

Key Scriptures:

Genesis 26:12-25 (NLT)

1 Peter 1:22-23; 1 Peter 2:1-3; Ephesians 4:1-4; Psalm 103:1-5; Luke 6:45; 2 Corinthians 9:13; 2 Corinthians 9:11; Galatians 5:13; Mark 10:45

Key Words:        

Rehoboth – Hebrew word meaning, room for all, or open spaces.

Take Away:        

Helping out is not a spiritual calling, it’s just what we do! A task or job at the church is an opportunity to meet someone, an opportunity to create a space of love, to make a difference (whether you see it, feel it, or not). The task alone is not your identity or purpose.

Creating opportunities or moments of Transformation are:

      1. Sacrificial
      2. Grace-Filled
      3. Deliberate and intentional
      4. Follow through in genuine love

Let’s Talk:          

Have you ever been to a place that was too crowded?

How did it make you feel?

How did you respond? 

Let’s Think:        

Pastor Craig said, “we need to create “Rehoboth”, a place where there is room for all”. Have you ever felt like there was no room for you? What emotions did that create in you?

Going Deeper:   

1 Peter 1:22 encourages us to love each other deeply, will all our hearts.

How can you create a space of genuine love for others?

Prayer:               A Space of Gratitude!

This week in your prayer time, be intentional about being grateful. Read Psalm 100:1-5 and remember how good God has been to you.  

Walk It Out:       

What ways can you create “Rehoboth” (space for all) in your sphere of influence?

Write down in your journal some practical ways you can help make “room for all”. Share them with a friend so you can help each other walk it out.

2 Replies to “Church is Active – Study Guide”

  1. Loved the service I can tell pastors heart I am a visitor and love the church! Holy Spirit was talking out loud !

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