SuperNatural Families

Message Date: October 7, 2018

Christian McDaniel

What do you think of when you hear Super Natural?

The Super and the natural fused together into one

We have become a new kind of human!

Ephesians 2:14-15 MSG

Romans 12:1-2 ESV

Where does it start?

Marriage: Healthy Husband/Wife relationship   

  *If you are not married – then Jesus is your husband…but some people had lust and addiction as their husband and those are abusive, unloving spouses*

We have to realize that we are the filter through which our children view the God of the universe.

-Son Born Story

Our parenting sets the rhythms of our children’s relationship with God.” -Duane

It all starts with the foundation that Duane laid over the past 7 weeks…Children As Arrows


What are we speaking over our kids?

Proverbs 18:21

In order to speak, we have to be able to first see something different

Stop: speaking all forms of death 

Start: speaking life by what you see by the spirit


How are we teaching our kids to pray?

Philippians 4:6-7 ESV


How are we disciplining our kids?

Ephesians 6:1-4 ESV


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We have flipped the coffee filter upside down and that’s why things are so muddy. Have you ever drunk coffee with grounds in it?… We don’t know God’s word!

“Provoked to disobey and dishonor vs. trained to obey and honor“  Duane

1. Disciplining (in any form) out of anger 

– James 1:20 ref.

2. Spanking too hard, too young, too old, too much…

– Proverbs 22:15 – rod of correction (not wrath)

– Proverbs 29:15 – rod of reproof and instruction 

8. Discipline for being human – any failing, falling or forgetting

– Proverbs 24:16 ref.

9. Unreasonable or too strict (legalism) 

– Acts 15:10 (NKJV) ref.

 10. Disengaged parenting

– Proverbs 13:24 (NKJV) ref.

“I wish you would love me less” -Child


What are we teaching our kids about sex?

We have got to be the first ones to teach our kids about sex!

The enemy has hijacked our sexuality

-Acts 15:20 – flee/run from sexual immorality

-1 Thess. 4:3 – obtain from

-Eph. 5:3 – must not be named

The very thing that may be keeping you from being a supernatural parent is your unforgiveness and/or unhealed parts of you, that is from your parents or childhood 

Why is this important?

The church is the bride, Jesus is the bridegroom and the fruit or children is a transformed, reconciled world. “The world is a terrible place”…yep sure is, why do you think that is? Divorce, ain’t nothin‘ new under the sun….just re-packaged and re-marketed to deceive you once more. 


Action Steps:

  1. Shift  your paradigm, you are a super human.
  2. Speak what you see, through your new paradigm, over your kids.
  3. Draw out those gifts in your kids…ask questions.
  4. Teach them to pray.