Stronger Families Part 8: Fight the Right Battle

Message Date: August 14, 2019
Pastor Christian McDaniel
Are you fighting the RIGHT battle?
Ephesians 6:1-12 AMP
Why is this important???
So what are the battles we are fighting??
  • When all we focus on is the here and now we blow things out of proportion, will this matter 10 years from now?!? Tea Cups…
  • We can’t get to the generations because we are so emotionally wrapped up in moments!!
  • He did this, she did that
  • It takes two to tango, and one to make peace
  • What keeps us from resolution & closure?
    • The blame game – excuses don’t excuse YOU
    • Ephesians 2:1-8 – WHILE
God’s compassion and love is always closely connected with His anger. If we could properly understand God’s anger…it is the expression and measure of that love
How do we navigate this attribute of God in our day to day?
Ephesians 4:26 – be angry, sin not
Psalms 97:10 – hate evil
  • Learn to hate well
  • Things I hate…
  • I need to be like God
Mark 3:5-He looked around at them with anger, being grieved at the hardening of their heart
Let’s act like Christian’s and not walking balls of flesh…
  • 2 Cor. 10:1-7 AMP