Untold Christmas Story 2 (Grow Notes)

The Untold Christmas Story – God is With Us  

 Key Scriptures:          Matthew 1:23 NLT; Psalm 84:5-7 NLT; 1 Kings 19:3-5 NLT; Psalm 34:18 NLT; Acts 27:20 NLT; Psalm 16:8 NLT; John 10:10 NLT; John 14:15-19 NLT; Mathew 28:19-20 NLT

Key  Words:           

Emmanuel – God is with us.

Take Away:              

Jesus is with us to give us STRENGTH

Jesus is with us to give us HOPE

Jesus is with us to give us REST

Jesus is with us to give us LIFE

Let’s Talk:

Have you ever been around someone watching a sports game on tv and when their team was winning, they were happy and excited, but when their team was loosing they were sad and depressed?

Have you ever experienced emotional ups and downs like that in your life?

 Why was it easy to be happy when things were going well for you?

 Why was it easy to be sad when things were not going your way?


Let’s Think:

We praise God on the mountain top but we get to know Him in the valleys.

Have you ever had a mountain top experience with God? How did it change you?

How have you responded to times in the valley? Did you grow closer to God? Why or why not?

Going Deeper: 

We may be in the valley or in a storm, but the valley and the storm are not the destination.

What are some ways you can stay encouraged when you are in the valley?

How can you help others who are in the valley with you?



Spend some time praying for those who are going through a hard time. Pray that you will be a source of light to guide them to Jesus.


Walk It Out:

Find someone who is going through a hard time and bless them even if you yourself are going through a difficult time. Don’t be a source of discouragement but encouragement!

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