What’s In A Name?

Message Date: October 31, 2018

Joey Bishop

What’s in a Name?

I. Do you know what your name means?

Sticks and stones are breaking our bones and names are stealing our futures!  -Kris Vallatton

You will become what the most important person in your life thinks about you!

What you focus on will determine your reality!

If you believe a lie it will affect you as if it is true!

ill. Man locked in closet

What names do you declare over yourself?

II. Your Destiny is directly tied to your Name, Your name reveals your destiny!

A. Abram – exalted Father

Abraham – Father of many nations

Gen. 17:5

B. Sarai – my princess

Sarah – mother of nations

Gen. 17:15-16

C. Jacob – supplanter, liar, trickster, deceiver.

Israel – prince of God, one who has prevails with God

Gen. 32:28

D. Simon – Peter – stone, rock

E. Gideon – Judges 6:12

F. Moses – the one who draws out

III. What has God Named You?

A. Saint. 1 Cor. 6:11

B. Child of God! Galatians 3:26, 4:4-7, John 1:12

C. Friend John 15:14-15

D. Beloved- Eph. 1:6

E. Blessed


1. Make God the most important person in your life!

2. Reject the negative names spoken over you!

3. Receive and believe the names God has spoken over you!